5 Guaranteed Ways to Get Good Sleep

Samia Zulfiqar
3 min readMay 16, 2024


Sleep is a basic need of the human body. Everybody needs 8 to 9 hours of daily sleep. It is a popular saying that a healthy mind lies within a healthy body. However, nowadays people rely on medications if they have insomnia or sleeping disorders. These medications make their body dependent on them.

The napping strategies give you hard and fast rules to be followed but why worry, you have jumped to the right page that will surprise you with its results. These ways will shape you up to have good sleep without medication.

Body Postures Follow Friends to Sleepy Heads

An active mind is not possible without bodily exercises. Do wake up early in the morning and start your day with sunbeams. yoga, aroma therapy, and deep breathing in the open air will make you fresh and burn out your negative energies. Select a colour for yourself and let it bathe you.

Add These Cheesy Gifts to Your Nutrition

Nutrition is the first thing that can make you sleep crazy.

Warm Milk

It is great for getting a cozy break-free sleep. Get yourself a glass of milk before sleeping and see the magic by yourself. This will make you relaxed within half an hour. People who prefer a cup of milk before going to bed sleep better than others.

Chamomile Tea

It is another drink to gear up your sleeping hormones. It works by sending messages to the brain to regulate the sleep-wake cycle. Make a habit of drinking it and watch your sleeping rhythm being adjusted.

Magnesium-Rich Supplements

Magnessium-rich supplements especially chocolate and bananas make you fall sleepy in no time. Research conducted in China of great importance in the year 2022 proved how nutrition supplements aided people in increasing their life span

Light Meals and Cheese Products

Try eating light meals and cheese-rich meals just one to two hours before going to bed.

Bedtime Setting

Switch off any bright light. Try using a blue or any light-coloured curtain. Hide any clock that makes you worrisome of time. Take a warm bath. Do listen to quiet music, and see if it works for you. Here you are, all set to get a peaceful sleep. Let’s dive into the valley for peaceful sleep.

Avoid Gadgets and Screens

If you are a workaholic then this is for you, your work needs you so you need to first get a good sleep. Avoid any gadget, smartphone, or any mobile accessory near your bedside, that rays will cause you disruption in sleep. Keep the world aside and make room for yourself.

Discussion in a nutshell

Following these simple yet catchy instructions, you can sleep quietly. There are a lot of ways but these were the most guaranteed ones. Remember it is the quality of sleep that matters not the quantity of sleep. Let’s hope these suggestions help you out with what you are looking for.


